Environmental studies that began within months of the announcement of the Savannah River Project were extraordinary at the time and led the world in establishing the discipline of environmental science. The SRS Heritage Foundation is sponsoring a Celebration of 60 Years of Environmental Science at SRS to highlight the early pioneering work at SRS and the continuing studies that have made SRS the nation’s first National Environmental Research Park and the most-thoroughly studied site in the nation.
The Celebration of 60 Years of Environmental Science at SRS will be held on the USCA campus on Saturday, August 20, 2011. The celebration is intended for students, teachers and the general public. Activities will last from 9:00 to 3:00 with talks at the Etherredge Center by nationally-known scientists that will highlight the history, status and future plans for environmental science at the Savannah River Site. A lunch break will provide time to eat and visit exhibits in the Center, and the Ruth Patrick Science Education Center, illustrating environmental programs and displaying live animals and birds. Participants in the Celebration will include the:
* Savannah River Ecology Laboratory of the University of Georgia
* Savannah River National Laboratory of the US Department of Energy
* US Forest Service of the US Department of Agriculture
* Ruth Patrick Science Education Center of USCA
* Friends of Hitchcock Woods
The public is invited to attend the Celebration and admission will be free.
Save the date of August 20th for an interesting and enjoyable day.