Saturday, November 7, 2009
The Heritage Foundation publicized the event and helped recruit SRS exhibits to add to the festivities. The Ecology Lab brought several snakes and turtles and the popular Carolina dogs. Smokey Bear came with the Forest Service and their fire truck. The hydrogen-powered truck from the Hydrogen Lab stood out among the car show vehicles.
SRNL sent racing pipe crawlers that fanned competitive spirits. Visitors were amazed by the size and scope of the Wackenhut mobile emergency command center. The Cold War Artifact Collection was represented with several artifacts and vintage photographs. Faithful volunteers from the SRS Heritage Foundation staffed our exhibits in City Hall.
The SRS Leadership Association got the Foundation off to a good start on our second video by taping interviews with former employees and early residents of nearby communities. Thanks Rich Izard.
The Foundation proposal to establish the SRS Heritage Center at the Savannah River Site has been identified as ‘an important initiative” and an outstanding opportunity by an international tourism consulting firm. Tourism Development International, headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, performed the multi-year study for the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.
On October 8th, the consultants unveiled their recommendations for the Scenic Savannah River Region that includes Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Edgefield, Greenwood, Laurens and McCormick counties. The recommendations included two “Flagship” properties, the Savannah River Site Experience and the Aiken International Equestrian Complex, to broaden and diversify tourism in this region. The Savannah River Site Experience includes the SRS Heritage Center proposed by the Foundation. The consultants referred repeatedly to Heritage Foundation proposals and suggested several enhancements, including increased emphasis on the environmental component, sustainable energy and family fun activities.
Full implementation of the consultant’s recommendations is predicted to lead to an “increase in visitor spending to close to $500 million."
The full 66-MB report is available for download from SCPRT.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Atomic City Festival October 10th
Mark your calendar for October 10th. The SRS Heritage Foundation will again participate in planning for the Atomic City Festival in New Ellenton. Last year the Foundation helped by recruiting displays and exhibits from SRS and by providing publicity for the event. This year we plan to bring back the
Going Strong!

Good news…thanks to Recovery Act funds, the historic preservation program at SRS got a boost recently. DOE-SR Manager Jeffrey Allison announced that these funds would enable completion of modifications to the Curation Facility in Building 315-M. In a letter dated July 24, 2009, Mr. Allison said “I am pleased to report the balance of modifications to the 315-M Curation Facility is underway and will be completed by the end of 2011”. This means that, in the near future, the Cold War Artifact Collection of some 30,000 artifacts will be housed in a facility that meets temperature control, fire suppression and security requirements for long-term storage. Another sign of continued progress. Click here for access to both pages of the letter from DOE-SR Manager Jeffrey Allison.